About Us

Hi, my name is Karynn Bechard,
(the Ka in -Ka-BobsShihTzu. shihsh-ka-bobs) and welcome to the new home of Shihsh-Ka-BobsShihTzu.
I'd like to take a moment and tell you how this wonderful journey with Shih Tzu's started for me. Bob, (the Bob in Shish-Ka-Bobs) and his daughter Morgan and myself, adopted a Shih Tzu (pronounced Sheed-zoo) from a woman going into a nursing home and the dog's name was “Sugar."
We took her home with the agreement to bring her to the nursing home for visitations. Sugar's first mom has since passed on and Sugar lived with Bob and his family until she passed as well. My brother and his family also adopted one from the human society and she was as wide as she was long with short little stubby legs and curly tail, which we called Chrissy. Chrissy grunted much like a pig and affectionately got the nickname "the pig dog."
We have had many Shih Tzu's in our lives since those days and no doubt many more to come. Although our first show Shih Tzus were not much to show we enjoyed the hobby and after a few shows, we were hooked. Today, we have over 30 champions most of which are from the bred by class. Each and every one of our puppies are raised in my home under foot and properly socialized so that when your new best friend comes home, you have a happy well-socialized puppy for you and your family to love. This has been a great experience and I have met so many great people along the way. There have been many new champions and many more to come in Shish-Ka-BobsShihTzu's future and I hope you visit often to see them all.
I hope you enjoy your visit to the site.
Thank You...